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How to work your way up to a TEDxTalks Nomination

Being nominated to speak at a TEDx event is a great opportunity to share your ideas and experiences with a wider audience. TEDx events are independently organized but follow the general TED guidelines. Here are steps you can take to increase your chances of being nominated or selected to speak at a TEDxTalk:

1. Develop a Unique and Compelling Idea:

2. Understand the TEDx Guidelines:

3. Attend TEDx Events:

4. Create a Strong Online Presence:

5. Produce High-Quality Content:

6. Apply for Open Calls:

7. Contact Organizers Directly:

8. Prepare a Pitch:

9. Create a Speaker Reel:

10. Connect with Past Speakers:

11. Engage with the TEDx Community:

12. Show Passion and Commitment:

13. Be Authentic:

14. Highlight Impact:

15. Be Patient and Persistent:

Remember that TEDx events receive numerous speaker applications, so it’s essential to stand out by presenting a compelling idea effectively. Good luck!

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